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Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of the Society of Oriental Liturgy

The Society of Oriental Liturgy (SOL) is an international academic society dedicated to the scholarly study of the various Eastern Christian liturgical traditions and related fields in all its aspects and phases, including allied disciplines, and its multiple methodologies. By this it unites scholars from all denominations.

This volume comprises sixteen selected papers from the Seventh Congress held in July 2018 in Prešov, Slovakia, on very diverse traditions: Armenian, Byzantine, Coptic, Ethiopian, Georgian, and Syriac, across a wide range of countries and cultures. The authors study inter alia the texts of liturgical services, the genesis of liturgical books, their translations and adaptations, liturgical theology, architecture, liturgical history, and allusions to liturgy in popular literature. The papers discuss both the historical practice of diverse Eastern Churches and the current situation. Thus, the present collection of articles shows clearly the progress made in an attractive field of research.

Lüstraeten, Martin/Butcher, Brian/Hawkes-Teeples, Steven (eds)
Studies in Eastern Christian Liturgies
Bandnummer 1
DOI-Nummer 10.17438/978-3-402-21765-8
Umfang 312 Seiten
Erscheinungstermin 20.02.2020
Preis 26,50 €

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