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Chivalrous Combatants? Ebook PDF

The debate on remote-controlled and so-called autonomous military robotics has also led to new inquiries into the ethos of soldiers. Should soldiers take risks which technological means could easily help them to avoid? Will the deployment of drones and autonomous weapons systems lead to the demise of military virtues? How much technological asymmetry is acceptable in a battle? Is there a need for a new ethos of chivalry among soldiers? In selected papers, this book endeavors to trace the traditional fundamental ideas of chivalry and military virtues, such as courage. It also addresses the question of the ethical significance of such soldierly attributes in conflicts today.<br>The Meaning of Military Virtue Past and Present<br>

The debate on remote-controlled and so-called autonomous military robotics has also led to new inquiries into the ethos of soldiers. Should soldiers take risks which technological means could easily help them to avoid? Will the deployment of drones and autonomous weapons systems lead to the demise of military virtues? How much technological asymmetry is acceptable in a battle? Is there a need for a new ethos of chivalry among soldiers? In selected papers, this book endeavors to trace the traditional fundamental ideas of chivalry and military virtues, such as courage. It also addresses the question of the ethical significance of such soldierly attributes in conflicts today.

Koch, Bernhard
Studien zur Friedensethik
Bandnummer 65
DOI-Nummer 10.17438/978-3-402-11731-6
Umfang 219 Seiten
Erscheinungstermin 21.10.2019
Preis 27,00 €

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