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Visit of the Holy Spirit Ebook PDF

A Theological Evaluation of the Contemporary Pneumatic Phenomenon in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the Syro-Malabar Church<br>

The book is the fruit of the doctoral research on the Holy Spirit’s powerful intervention in people’s lives called “Baptism in the Holy Spirit” in the contemporary Charismatic Renewal. Unlike other studies exclusively concentrated on Christians, it focusses on the experience in the Syro-Malabar Church and includes people of other faiths like Muslims and Hindus. In view of possible theological misunderstandings in the expression "Baptism in the Holy Spirit" the author suggests the new paradigm "Visit of the Holy Spirit", underlining the personal and personalizing work of God's Spirit on the individual, the ecclesial and the cosmic-universal level. This book contributes doctrinally, pastorally, ecumenically and missiologically to the interpretation of the pneumatological experience of the Church.
Kisincher, Job Aniyekattu
Studia Oecumenica Friburgensia
Bandnummer 97
DOI-Nummer 10.17438/978-3-402-12246-4
Umfang VII und 292 Seiten
Erscheinungstermin 27.10.2020
Preis 32,00 €

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