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The Deaconesses of the Armenian Church

In the early Church, female disciples, prophetesses, virgins, widows, and deaconesses played an active role in the life of early Christian communities and contributed significantly to the spread of Christianity. Unlike other apostolic Churches, the Armenian Apostolic Church has maintained the unique tradition from the early Christian Church and preserved it to this day. Although women are not permitted to be ordained as priests, they may serve at the holy altar and proclaim the Word of God in the Church as ordained deaconesses alongside deacons, priests, and bishops. This volume explores the role of the deaconess within the tradition of the Armenian Apostolic Church, tracing its historical development through various stages.

Abel H. Manoukian, born in Beirut, Lebanon, received his Master's degree (1987) and his Doctorate in Theology (1993) from the University of Vienna. He served Armenian Church communities in Austria, Armenia, Canada, and Switzerland, and has authored numerous works in several languages. Currently, he is the General Secretary of the Swiss Council of Religions.
Manoukian, Abel
Studia Oecumenica Friburgensia
Bandnummer 113
DOI-Nummer 10.17438/978-3-402-12277-8
Umfang 196 Seiten
Preis 38,00 €

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