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The Public Role of the Church in Contemporary Ukrainian Society

The Contribution of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church to Peace and Reconciliation

What do the division between the Orthodox Churches in Ukraine and the current Russian-Ukrainian crisis have in common? Analysing the relevant official documents of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church on reconciliation, the author traces how this Church comes to terms with the burdened pages of Ukrainian history and their repercussions for the current struggling of Ukraine on the way to democratisation.The relations between the Ukrainian Churches, the Polish-Ukrainian and the Russian-Ukrainian relations, the memory of the Jewish presence, and the national cohesion in the country according to the official Church pronouncements constitute the core of the book.
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Rap, Myroslava
Studien zur Friedensethik
Bandnummer 53
DOI-Nummer 10.17438/978-3-402-19755-4
Umfang 500 Seiten
Erscheinungstermin 22.07.2015
Preis 62,00 €

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