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The Passions of Christ's Soul in the Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas Ebook PDF

St. Thomas Aquinas' theology of Christ's human passions comes at the height of a medieval debate centering on the reality and extent of Christ's experience of affective suffering. Weighing in on the debate, Aquinas forges a defense of Christ's full humanity that stretches far beyond the inquiry into Christ's passions and seeks to uphold the realism of the dogma of the Incarnation. St. Thomas' doctrine of Christ's human affectivity owes much to patristic and medieval thought. Yet no less does it charter a course in Christology that stands out for its originality and depth of analysis.
Gondreau, Paul
Beiträge z. Geschichte d. Phil. u. Theol. d. Mittelalters, N.F.
Bandnummer 61
DOI-Nummer 10.7438/978-3-402-19852-0
Umfang 516 Seiten
Erscheinungstermin 06.05.2002
Preis 43,00 €

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