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Il ruolo del vescovo Strossmayer nella minoranza conciliare<br>del Vaticano I, Annales Historiae Conciliorum, 50/2 (2020), 241-304 Ebook PDF

The Bishop of Ðakovo (Bosnia and Sirmium) Josip Juraj (Joseph George) Strossmayer
(1815-1905), a former student of the Universities of Budapest and Vienna, triggered many
discussions, meetings and agitations with his five speeches, not only in the minority and the
majority of the Council but also within and outside the Council. He also presented many
new ideas, not only with regard to the definition of the infallibility of the pope, but also
with regard to the rules of the Council, the question of the rights of the bishops, the role of
the laity, the codification of canon law, the religious freedom and the ecumenical perspective.
Strossmayer was not only opposed to the definition of infallibility, but was also one of
the harshest opponents of the doctrine of papal infallibility itself. Until now, in the historiography
of his Croatian homeland, the thesis of many scholars of his “inopportunist position”
has prevailed, who have placed Strossmayer’s role in the minority, presenting his opposition
to the definition of the dogma of infallibility in a purely pastoral or political and
ecumenical key. Often, his opposition to the dogma of infallibility was read as opposition
to the dogma only because of the concern for possible political repercussions in the Balkans
and in the large Slavic family, which was very close to the heart of the bishop of Ðakovo
himself, and, not least, also because of the possibility of complicating future relations between
the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church. The true role of Strossmayer in the
minority at the First Vatican Council has not yet been definitively clarified and presented
to scholars and the wider ecclesiastical and historical public. Strossmayer was for many, especially
for the Roman Curia, for the Jesuits and for all those who were not aware of the
new signs of the times, a suspicious “modernista”, a Gallican sympathizer character, indeed
many times even accused of heresy. Some accused him and attributed to him what he had
not said and would never say or do. Others, however, wishing to defend him at all costs,
diminished his role in the council discussion and in the minority. His sometimes disproportionate
accusations against Pius IX and the practices of the Roman Curia were denied. Even
in this short contribution no final judgement can be made. Thanks to the consultation of
various published sources, especially those concerning the First Vatican Council and those
from the Archives of the Diocese of Ðakovo, compiled by the late prof. Šuljak in his thesis,
as well as the various diaries of the Council, the recently defended theses, and the hitherto
little accessible literature, Strossmayer's activity and role within the minority of the Council,
his position on the dogma of papal infallibility, and his ecclesiastical and ecumenical
interests become clearer, more authentic, and in a true strossmayerian sense. Today, the prevailing
general scientific belief is that Bishop Strossmayer was more a bishop of the Second
than of the First Vatican Council in his speeches, ideas and principles.
Vrankic, Petar
Annales Historiae Conciliorum
Bandnummer 50/2
DOI-Nummer 10.17438/978-3-402-25653-4
Umfang 64 Seiten
Erscheinungstermin 01.02.2021
Preis 20,00 €

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