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The reception of Nicaea and the development of monasteries under the Arian and Nicene bishops, Annales Historia Conciliorum, 51 (2021), 21-38 Ebook PDF

Monasteries are often mentioned in the propaedeutic and apologetic literature
about late-antique church councils. However, the wide spectrum of monastic ways
of life is not well represented by it. This article discusses what this implies for the
authority of conciliar decisions, focusing first on Egypt and the transmission of the
Apocalypse of James near a Pachomian foundation. The Life of Fulgentius is one of
the works discussed to show the generally productive interaction between Nicene
and non-Nicene monks and bishops in Vandal North Africa. Finally, the portrayal
of guarantors of the authority of the Nicene bishop of Carthage in the acts of the
Council of Carthage (525) is contrasted with the fluid contours of Christian communities
and the history of challenges to the see.
Frenkel, Luise Marion
Annales Historiae Conciliorum
Bandnummer 51/1
DOI-Nummer 10.17438/978-3-402-25714-2
Umfang 18 Seiten
Erscheinungstermin 07.09.2022
Preis 17,00 €

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