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Conciliar vigilance and monastic property in Visigothic Hispania, Annales Historia Conciliorum, 51 (2021), 39-52 Ebook PDF

The coexistence of the diocesan Church and monasteries in Late Antiquity was not always
easy. The exceptional nature of monasticism posed a challenge to the disciplinary unit that
revolved around bishops. Visigothic councils, in keeping with general canon rules, ensured
that unity of beliefs was monitored from the episcopal see, which would not have given rise
to any noticeable conflicts. Likewise, councils were to also guarantee monasteries’ proprietary
independence, which was acknowledged by canon law. However, there were bishops
who were not ready to accept such state of affairs, and Hispanic councils in the seventh
century repeatedly played a role in making sure that such privilege was not violated.
Díaz, Pablo C.
Annales Historiae Conciliorum
Bandnummer 51/1
DOI-Nummer 10.17438/978-3-402-25715-9
Umfang 14 Seiten
Erscheinungstermin 07.09.2022
Preis 16,00 €

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