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Perspectives on Origen and the History of his Reception

The present volume contains papers on Origen and the history of his reception which were presented at a series of workshops at the Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held at Oxford in August 2019. They provide multifarious insights into various aspects of Origen’s thought and his impact on different topics of theology, exegesis and philosophy from Late Antiquity to Early Modern Times. By connecting the Alexandrian’s legacy with recent developments in Patristics and Classics, they open up new perspectives for Origen scholarship in the new millenium. Research on Origen can be connected with studies, e.g. on rhetoric and power, on individuality and diversity, on gender and equality issues, on determinism and freedom and on questions of cultural transfer and transformation. The contributions to this volume can thus be taken as starting points for future studies on Origen within the broader context of contemporary research in science and the humanities.


S. 5–12

Alfons Fürst
Perspectives on Origen – Quondam and Tomorrow. Stimuli for the Future of Origen Studies in the New Millenium
S. 13–30

Role Models for Human Freedom and Dignity in Origen
Anders-Christian Jacobsen
Body and Freedom in Origen
S. 31–46

Karla Pollmann
Role Models and Soft Power in Origen
S. 47–66

Monnica Klöckener
The Samaritan Woman in Origen's Commentary on John Seen from a Modern Perspective of Human Dignity
S. 67–80

Sara Contini
Judging the Judges: Exaltation and Humiliation in Origen's Homilies on Judges
S. 81–102

Perspectives on Origen in Late Antiquity
Alfons Fürst
Readings of Origen in Late Antiquity: Origen as Presented by Pamphilus, Athanasius and the Philocalia
S. 103–116

Pui Him Ip
Origen against Origen? The Paradoxical Legacy of Origen in Athanasius' Exegesis of Prov. 8:22 in Contra Arianos II
S. 117–132

Mark J. Edwards
Origen, Didymus and Theodore on the Literal Sense
S. 133–150

Stephen C. Carlson
Rufinus' Origenization of Eusebius in his Translation of the Historia ecclesiastica
S. 151–160

Benjamin A. Edsall
A Liturgical Update in Rufinus' Translation of Origen's Commentary on Romans?
S. 161–172

Giovanni Hermanin de Reichenfeld
God is the Spirit or the Spirit is God? Origen's and Augustine's Interpretations of John 4:24 and their Understanding of God's Essence
S. 173–192

Morten Kock Møller
Secundum propositum hominis: Augustine's Refutation of a Popular Interpretation of Rom. 8:28
S. 193–214

Ilaria Scarponi
In Defence of Freedom of Choice: The Liber de induratione cordis Pharaonis as a Case of Reception of Origen's Biblical Exegesis
S. 215–236

Perspectives on Origen in Medieval and Early Modern Times
Peter W. Martens
Perplexa haereditas: Origen in the Western Middle Ages
S. 237–252

Lenka Karfíková
Beatus Origenes, diligentissimus rerum inquisitor: “The Spiritual Body” and Other Origenian Themes in John Eriugena
S. 253–278

Elena Rapetti
Between History and Hagiography: Origen in French Jansenism
S. 279–296

Marilyn A. Lewis
Henry Hallywell (1641–1703): A Cambridge Origenist in Parochial Sussex
S. 297–316

Elisa Bellucci
Origen between Kabbalism and Divine Wisdom: The Role of the Alexandrian in the Work of Johann Wilhelm and Johanna Eleonora Petersen
S. 317–334

Theo Kobusch
The Losable and the Unlosable: Origen's Anthropological Achievement and its Impact throughout Time
S. 335–344

S. 345–348

S. 349–351

S. 352–356

Ancient and Medieval Sources
S. 357–364

Modern Sources
S. 365–367

Persons and Subjects
S. 368–372
Fürst, Alfons
Bandnummer 21
DOI-Nummer 10.17438/978-3-402-13753-6
Umfang 368 Seiten
Erscheinungstermin 06.09.2021
Preis 39,00 €

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