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“Non placet” oder “Placet iuxta modum”? Hintergründe, Intention und Folgen der Abstimmung der Minorität am 13. Juli 1870, Annales Historiae Conciliorum, 50 (2020), 101-112 Ebook PDF

The Bishops of the Minority in the First Vatican Council, who opposed the definition of
Papal Infallibility, did not reject a priori any compromise in this question. Generally, they
were inclined to accept the infallibility of a papal definition, if it was supported by any form
of episcopal cooperation or consent of the Church. But they were convinced that a proposition
from their side would have no chance to be accepted by the majority. Therefore, they
decided to remain firm and united until the penultimate vote where one could vote with
“Placet”, “Non placet” or even “Placet iuxta modum”. Their strategy was the following: in
front of at least 50 votes “Non placet” of the minority the direction of the Council would
not dare to pass over. Only then, and not earlier, the moment of transactions would come,
and the majority would be disposed to present serious compromises. Finally, the new text
of 9th july presented in the introduction some modifications in the sense of the minority. In
the substance the greatest part of the minority bishops could have voted with “Placet iuxta
modum”. But they decided in their International Comitee to vote with “Non placet”, in the
hope to reach more by manifesting their force. In fact, in the vote of 13th july there were 88
“Non placet”, 62 “Placet iuxta modum” (32 of them in the sense of the minority) and 451
“Placet”. But the effect was contrary: this “manifestation of force” did not incline the majority
to compromises, but provoked induration and rigidity in the attitude of Pope Pius IX
and of the leaders of the majority. So, the “non autem ex consensus ecclesiae” was added.
Could the minority have reached more by voting “Placet iuxta modum”? Certainly not in
the sense, that conditions in Gallican sense would have been accepted! But perhaps the relationship
of the defining pope to the Church, her tradition and testimony, already expressed
in the introduction, could have been enunciated more clearly.
Schatz, Klaus
Annales Historiae Conciliorum
Bandnummer 50/1
DOI-Nummer 10.17438/978-3-402-25635-0
Umfang 12 Seiten
Erscheinungstermin 01.03.2021
Preis 16,00 €

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