Weitere Informationen
The yearbook Archa Verbi as well as the book series Archa Verbi. Subsidia are published by the International Society for the Study of Medieval Theology (IGTM). Languages of publications are English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Archa Verbi accepts articles and text editions which fall within the scope of the Society’s objectives and thematic purpose. The Archa Verbi. Subsidia book series publishes monographs and conference proceedings originating from the wider area of the study of medieval theology. Manuscripts submitted to Archa Verbi undergo a double-blind peer review. Two senior scholars selected by the „scriptores“ evaluate the quality of the research and make recommendations concerning the study’s suitability for publication. On the basis of the peer reviews the „scriptores“, together with the „coetus editionis“, render a decision concerning the publication of the manuscript. Authors will be notified of the decision and – where applicable – of the evaluator’s recommendations and criticisms. If a manuscript is rejected, we strongly encourage resubmission of the article after careful revision, since each resubmission will be examined independent of the original review process. The review section of the yearbook discusses new books from the field of medieval theology and from those associated fields of study relevant to medieval theology. These associated disciplines are, in particular, Church History, History of Exegesis, History of Theology, History of Philosophy, History of Canon Law, and Art History, that are considered relevant insofar as they advance the study and knowledge of medieval theology.
Peter Gemeinhardt
Gottschalk und die karolingische Trinitätstheologie. Eine Kontroverse im Vorfeld des ›photianischen Schismas‹
S. 9–34
Philipp W. Rosemann
What Is an Author? Divine and Human Authorship in Some Mid-Thirteenth-Century Commentaries on the Book of Sentences
S. 35–65
Martina Wehrli-Johns
Konrad von Mure und die Dominikanertheologie seiner Zeit. Studien zum Libellus de sacramentis mit einer Edition
S. 66–107
Irene Bueno
Avignon, the Armenians, and the Primacy of the Pope
S. 108–129
Christina Traxler
Früher Antihussitismus. Der Traktat Eloquenti viro und sein Verfasser Andreas von Brod
S. 130–177
Tagungsberichte zur Jahrestagung der IGTM. Salische Kaiserstadt und jüdisches Kulturzentrum. Speyer, 19.–20. Juni 2015
S. 178–179
Fabrizio Amerini
»In principio erat verbum«: Philosophy and Theology in the Commentaries on the Gospel of John (II–XIV Centuries)
Rezensiert von Rolf Schönberger
S. 180–183
Helen Gittos
Liturgy, Architecture, and Sacred Places in Anglo-Saxon England
Rezensiert von Paul Everson
S. 183–184
Sara Leila Husseini
Early Christian-Muslim Debate on the Unity of God. Three Christian Scholars and Their Engagement with Islamic Thought (9th Century C. E.)
Rezensiert von Klaus-Peter Todt
S. 184–186
Marcia L. Colish
Faith, Fiction and Force in Medieval Baptism Debates
Rezensiert von Thomas Marschler
S. 186–188
Carolyn Marino Malone / Clark Maines
Consuetudines et regulae: Sources for Monastic Life in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period
Rezensiert von Cornelia Linde
S. 188–190
Alexander Andrée
Anselmi Laudunensis Glossae super Iohannem
Rezensiert von Constant Mews
S. 190–192
Rainer Berndt SJ / Maura Zátonyi
Glaubensheil. Wegweisung ins Christentum gemäss der Lehre Hildegards von Bingen
Rezensiert von Rebecca Milena Fuchs
S. 192–194
Ritva Palmén
Richard of St. Victor's Theory of Imagination
Rezensiert von Mary Carruthers
S. 194–196
Jay M. Hammond / J.A. Wayne Hellmann / Jared Goff
A Companion to Bonaventure
Rezensiert von Jan Klok
S. 197–199
Florian Kolbinger
Zeit und Ewigkeit. Philosophisch-theologische Beiträge Bonaventuras zum Diskurs des 13. Jahrhunderts um »tempus« und »aevum«
Rezensiert von Martina Roesner
S. 199–202
Mikolaj Olszewski
Quaestiones disputatae 'De productione rerum' 'De imagine' et 'De anima' e schola bonaventuriana
Rezensiert von Joshua C. Benson
S. 202–204
Matthew Levering
Paul in the Summa Theologiae
Rezensiert von Vivian Boland OP
S. 204–206
Peter Herde
Bonifaz VIII. (1294–1303). Erster Halbband: Benedikt Caetani
Rezensiert von Björn Gebert
S. 207–210
Coralba Colomba / Viola Tenge-Wolf
Raimundus Lullus: Opera 54–60, annis 1294–1296 composita
Rezensiert von Josep E. Rubio
S. 210–212
Kathryne Beebe
Pilgrim and Preacher. The Audiences and Observant Spirituality of Friar Felix Fabri (1437/8–1502)
Rezensiert von Wolfram Hoyer OP
S. 212–215
Josep Perarnau
Arnaldi de Villanova Tractatus de tempore adventus Antichristi: ipsius et aliorum scripta coaeva
Rezensiert von Manfred Gerwing
S. 215–218
Thomas Michael Krüger
Leitungsgewalt und Kollegialität. Vom benediktinischen Beratungsrecht zum Konstitutionalismus deutscher Domkapitel und des Kardinalkollegs (ca. 500–1500)
Rezensiert von Klaus-Frédéric Johannes
S. 218–219
Marco Forlivesi / Riccardo Quinto / Silvana Vecchio (Hrsg.)
Fides Virtus. The Virtue of Faith from the Twelfth to the Early Sixteenth Century
Rezensiert von Reimund Haas
S. 219–221
Directiones Auctorum
S. 222