"In principio erat Verbum"

Amerini, Fabrizio (Ed.)
"In principio erat Verbum"
Philosophy and Theology in the Commentaries on the Gospel of John (II–XIV Centuries)
1. Auflage
The contributors to this book have been invited to choose some important exponents within the tradition of the Commentaries on the Gospel of John and to look at them from a philosophical perspective, bringing to light the philosophical topics that occur in the Prologue or in other places of the Gospel. Contributions extend from 3rd to 14th century and focus on several commentators, from Origen to Meister Eckhart, passing through Augustine, John Scotus Eriugena, the School of Laon, Rupert of Deutz, Stephan Langton, Hildegard of Bingen, Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, William of Altona, Peter of John Olivi and Peter Auriol.

Über den Autor

Fabrizio Amerini, Dr., is Researcher and Charged Professor of History of Medieval Philosophy at the Department of Antiquity, Linguistics, Education, Philosophy (A.L.E.F.) – University of Parma, Italy.


Fabrizio Amerini

Domenico Devoti
The First Commentary on the Gospel according to St. John: The Notes of the Gnostic Heracleon
S. 1–22

Domenico Pazzini
Theology and Episteme in Origen's Commentary on the Gospel of John
S. 23–32

Giovanni Salmeri
Qu'est-ce que l'interprétation littérale? Quelques réflexions sur le Commentaire à l'Évangile selon Jean de Théodore de Mopsueste
S. 33–46

Franco de Capitani
La figura di Giovanni nel pensiero dell'Agostino laico
S. 47–70

Armando Bisogno
Dal Verbum verba: la teofania della Parola in Agostino e Giovanni Scoto
S. 71–92

Alexander Andrée
Trinitarian Theology in Commentaries on the Fourth Gospel from the School of Laon
S. 93–110

Mark J. Clark
The Fortuna of the Prologue to the Gospel of John in Four Important, Twelfth-Century Texts: the Glossed John, Peter Comestor's Lectures on the Glossed John, Comestor's Historia scholastica, and Langton's Course on the History
S. 111–128

Abigail Ann Young
Rupert of Deutz, John, and Moses: The Figure of Moses in the Fourth Gospel through a Twelfth-Century Lens
S. 129–142

Marta Cristiani
Ildegarda di Bingen e l'ermeneutica del Prologo
S. 143–158

Julie Casteigt
Quelques propositions synthétiques pour une lecture des interprétations albertienne et eckhartienne de Jn. 1,6–8
S. 159–176

Graziano Perillo
La nozione di Verbum nell'esegesi a In principio erat Verbum nella Lectura super Iohannem di Tommaso d'Aquino. Aspetti teoretici e interpretativi
S. 177–198

Timothy Bellamah O.P.
Authorship and Authorial Intention in Wiliam of Altona's Postilla Super Iohannem
S. 199–214

Christian Rode
Peter of John Olivi's Theory of the Verbum in Comparison with William of Ockham's Intellectio-Theory
S. 215–228

William O. Duba
The Man in the Middle: Peter Auriol's Syllogistic Commentaries on the Gospel of John
S. 229–246

Alessandro Palazzo
Philosophical meanings of lux (Jo. 1,4–5, 1,9) in Eckhart's Commentary on the Gospel of John
S. 247–270

Index of Names
S. 271–275
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