How to Build Peace

Knecht-Turkanik Stefania
How to Build Peace
20th- and 21st-Century Ukrainian Greek Catholic Peacebuilders on the Polish-Ukrainian Conflict
Volume number
1. Auflage
360 Seiten
Release Date
Order no
Trotz friedensstiftenden Bemühungen zwischen der Ukraine und Polen ist der Konflikt zwischen den beiden Nationen, der im 20. Jahrhundert seinen gewaltsamen Höhepunkt erreichte, ungelöst. Mit Blick auf Andrei Sheptyts'kyi, ukrainischer griechisch-katholischer Metropolit zwischen 1901 und 1944, sowie Erkenntnissen aus der qualitativen Forschung mit zeitgenössischen Vertretern derselben Kirche wird argumentiert, dass Sheptyts'kyi als Friedensstifter betrachtet werden muss und dass Vertreter:innen der ukrainischen griechisch-katholischen Kirche, seinem Beispiel folgend, einzigartig positioniert sind, um im polnisch-ukrainischen Konflikt friedensstiftend zu wirken.

Table of Contents

List of Images • 15

List of Tables • 17

Notes on Translations and Transliteration • 19

Acknowledgments • 21
General Acknowledgements • 21
Funding • 23
Abbreviations • 25
Foreword • 27

Part I: Historical Background & Qualitative Research • 33

Chapter 1: Historical Background and Meta-Narratives • 33
The Polish-Ukrainian Conflict • 34
The Polish-Ukrainian Conflict: Political Discourse • 39
Polish-Ukrainian Cooperation • 43
The Polish-Ukrainian Conflict in Academic Discourse: Meta-Narratives • 45
The Genocide Narrative • 48
The Anti-OUN Narrative • 52
The Nationalist Narrative • 57
The Pro-OUN Narrative • 59
Summary • 63

Chapter 2: Methodology • 65
Peace, Violence, and Conflict • 65
A Conceptualization of Peacebuilding • 67
Peacemaking versus Peacebuilding • 68
Liberal, Local, Hybrid, and Strategie Peacebuilding • 69
A Requiem of international Peacebuilding? • 71
Religious Peacebuilding • 71
Rationale • 76
Method • 77
Data Collection • 85
Discussion of Data • 94
Summary • 97

Chapter 3: Peacebuilding in the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church-Qualitative Study • 99
Polish-Ukrainian Conflict • 100
Responsibility for and Causes of the Polish- Ukrainian Conflict • 100
Role of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Polish-Ukrainian Conflict • 106
Complexity of the Polish-Ukrainian Conflict • 110
Current Polish-Ukrainian Conflict • 111
Peacebuilding • 116
Religious Peacebuilding • 116
Examples of Peacebuilding • 120
Peacebuilders • 125
Characteristics of Peacebuilders • 125
Examples of Peacebuilders • 127
Peacebuilding Roadmap • 131
A. General Recommendations • 132
B. Recommendations for Ukrainian Greek Catholic Faithful • 133
C. Recommendations for Ukrainian Greek Catholic Clergy • 135
D. Recommendations for Ukrainian Greek Catholic Leadership •138
Summary 141

Part II: Characteristics of Peacebuilders & Metropolitan Andrei Sheptyts'kyi • 145

Chapter 4: Characteristics of Peacebuilders • 145
Characteristics of Peacebuilders • 146
Characteristics of Religious Peacebuilders • 146
Christian and Catholic Peacebuilding • 151
Lederach's Unique Characteristics of Catholic Peacebuilders • 154
Catholic Peacebuilder Characteristics • 159
Challenges for Religious Peacebuilders • 162
Summary •165

Chapter 5: Historical Peacebuilder in the Greek Catholic Church- Metropolitan Andrei Sheptyts'kyi • 167
Relevant Literature: Metropolitan Andrei Sheptyts'kyi • 170
Background • 183
First Cluster: Societal Standing and Relationships • 185
Proximity to Society • 185
Moral Credibility • 190
Relational Capital • 203
Second Cluster: Religious Peacebuilding Activities • 204
Naming Violence • 204
Pointing towards Peace (Hermeneutic of Peace) • 210
Single-Identity Peacebuilding • 213
Complementary and Collaborative Inter-Religious Dialogue • 218
Third Cluster: Catholic Peacebuilding Efforts • 221
Catholic Ubiquitous Presence • 221
Catholic Symbols, Rituals, Liturgical Elements • 223
Role as Pastor and Prophet • 225
Summary • 234

Part III: Ukrainian Greek Catholic Peacebuilding • 237

Chapter 6: Ukrainian Greek Catholic Peacebuilders in the Polish- Ukrainian Conflict • 237
The Polish-Ukrainian Conflict: Current Reality • 237
Preventing Collective Violence • 240
Ukrainian Greek Catholic Representatives as Religious Peacebuilders • 243
Precedence of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Peacebuilding: Andrei Sheptyts'kyi • 243
Ukrainian Greek Catholic Peacebuilding in the Polish-Ukrainian Conflict • 245
Contemporary Position of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Society • 252
Challenges • 263
Summary • 265

Chapter 7: Recommendations for Ukrainian Greek Catholic Peacebuilding in the Polish-Ukrainian Conflict • 267
Preventative Role: Education and Training • 268
Highlight Historical (Ukrainian Greek Catholic) Peacebuilders • 269
Challenging the Meta-Narratives of the Conflict • 270
Ukrainian Greek Catholic Theology of Peacebuilding • 272
Transformative Role: Rituals, Symbolism, and Liturgy • 278
Transformative Role: "Stolen Churches" • 281
Transformative Role: Common Action • 282
Cooperation with Protestant Peacebuilders • 282
Remembrance Projects • 283
Diversity of Peacebuilders • 285
Concluding Remarks • 286

Afterword • 289

Appendix: Other Themes in Qualitative Research • 295
Specific Themes • 295
Definition of Peace • 295
Documents on Peace • 299
Definition ofViolence • 301
Definition of Peacebuilding • 307

Overarching Themes • 311
Spiritual Connotations of Peace and Violence • 311
Dignity • 314
Peace, Violence, and the Russo-Ukrainian War • 315
Peace, Violence, and Defence • 317
Pacifism • 318
Justice • 319

Bibliography • 321
Archival Material • 321
List of Consulted Works • 322

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